Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Love of Messy Mediums

While I've been drawing for years and years, I was never really happy with my ability to do color drawings. I was always lacking some key point. I've finally figured it out this year after my mom gave me several different medium books for Christmas. I flipped through the chalk pastels book and within two hours I'd finished my polar bear.

Artsy Stuff 007

To keep my work original, all of my chalk drawings are drawn from my own personal photographs. That stuff can be seen on my Flickr account!

I also had my aunt's Pomeranian, Lucy, in mind when I was drawing. She was my next choice as she's a very photogenic animal.

Artwork 005

I'd have to say that this horse is my favorite so far, but everyone I've spoken to finds a connection with a different one. This horse is owned by a man who stores my dad's boat on his farm during the winter. I walked to the field with my camera and this was the horse of the four that decided to come check me and my camera out.

Horse 002

I've many more drawings to share and shall do so when I find them time!

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